Every organization needs to have its own personality, which identifies and differentiates it from the others. This personality is called Corporate Identity. It constitutes each company's specific identity and helps it to gain international recognition. This identity is a visual impression of the brand strategy created and achieved through the use of the visual paraphernalia of said company. On the other hand, the Corporate Image is the most concrete expression of how customers, suppliers, investors and the general public perceives a certain brand or company. This is how your reputation precedes you.
Although the image of the organization is not equal to its identity, we can affirm that it is configured from it, and its creation should not be based only from the perspective of graphic design, which sees it in terms of a symbol or logo, but also from the perspective of management advice. The process of building the Corporate Image, either of a company or of the brand of a certain product in order to later market it, is called Branding, and it is defined as the strategy used to shape the way you want the audience to interact with your brand or company.
Both the Corporate Identity (physical aspects of the company: color, logo and typography), as well as the Corporate Image (perception of the company) complement each other and therefore, both need to be taken into account to develop a truly effective market strategy that generates interest and a favorable vision of your business.
Our goal should be to differentiate ourselves from our competitors and convince customers that they should prefer us instead of other brands. We must never imitate another brand. If we want to build a unique brand, different from the competition and that is permanent in the market, we have to follow several steps.
First, we must be clear about the idea, not only of what is the purpose and the aspirations of it, but of what are the values that we want to transmit to our potential clients. Then we must determine what will be the audience in which we are going to focus, observing their behavior and lifestyle in detail to know what exactly their needs are. In order for the image to be engraved and positioned in the minds of consumers, it is essential to establish a consistent, and emotional connection between the brand created and them.
Last but not least, we have to know the market and our most direct competitors, and we achieve this through research and analysis of what they are doing well to know what works best in that sector. As well as taking into account where there are failures, so we do not make the same mistakes.
At Quint Advertising two of the aspects that we consider most important for the creation or the birth of a new brand are identity (color, logo and typography) and naming (creation of a name according to the objectives of the market).
Despite the fact that the visual aspect is appreciated more immediately, the choice of the name must be made first, after we check whether the chosen name is registrable and legally viable. The naming must be adaptable to the growth of the company or brand, legible, brief so that it is easy to remember, suitable for the desired target and above all unique and original so that it is distinguished from other brands in the sector.
Corporate stationery is an essential part of the visual identity of a company, since in addition to identifying it, it demonstrates professionalism, an effective marketing tool that makes our clients and competitors perceive us as we really want them to. It is made up of many elements such as business cards, letterhead and brochures, and many more.
The Logo is a graphic representation of the name of a company or brand and therefore must be printed on all articles and be legible and reproducible at any scale. It generally includes some symbol that can be widely recognized and associated almost immediately with what it represents. The logo and name have become an integral part of the identity of a corporation, and because they are such valuable assets, they are considered registered trademarks for the protection of the intellectual property of said company.
In addition to the visual identity and the naming, we must also take into account the importance of the auditory part to make the client relate the sound to the concept that we want to project. Many times, the best way to remember a brand is by its oral slogans and above all, by a certain melody.
To develop a winning brand image, we recommend hiring specialized professionals, such as designers and advertisers. At Quint Advertising we are specialists in both design and development of everything related to visual identity and brand image and we can develop a winning corporate identity for your company.
"The Corporate Image is the most concrete expression of how customers, suppliers, investors and the general public perceives a certain brand or company. It is your reputation".
At Quint Advertising two of the aspects that we consider most important for the creation or birth of a new brand are identity (color, logo and typography) and naming (creation of a name according to the objectives of the market).
To develop a winning brand image, we recommend hiring specialized professionals, such as designers and advertisers. At Quint Advertising we are specialists in both design and development of everything related to visual identity and brand image and we can develop a winning corporate identity for your company.
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